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Important Information on Entering Germany with an Expired Residence Permit

10.09.2024 - FAQ

It is extremely important that foreigners living in Germany do not travel to their home country without a valid residence permit. Otherwise there is a risk of being stranded in your home country and not being able to return to Germany.

Entering Germany with an Expired Residence Permit

My residence permit has expired. Can I enter Germany with it?

No, based on our experience, airlines generally refuse to transport passengers with an expired residence permit. Please ensure that your residence permit is still valid.

Even for residence permits with unlimited validity (e.g., settlement permit/“Niederlassungserlaubnis”), the card itself will expire. Airlines generally refuse to transport passengers with a valid permit but an expired card. Therefore, please renew your residence permit in good time before traveling to Germany.

The Aliens' Authority has issued me a “residence certificate/Aufenthaltsbescheinigung” or similar. Can I enter Germany with it?

Some Aliens' Authorities issue so-called “Aufenthaltsbescheinigungen”. These confirmation letters, printed on white printer paper, do not entitle you to enter Germany! Inform the Aliens' Auhority about your travel plans and be sure to apply for an electronic residence permit. For urgent travel, the Aliens' Authority can also issue you a “Fiktionsbescheinigung” according to § 81 Abs. 4 AufenthG.

The Aliens' Authority told me that I can return with the expired residence permit and both my old and new passports. Is that correct?

Based on our experience, airlines refuse to transport passengers in this situation. Therefore, please renew your residence permit in good time before traveling to Germany.

Who can advise me on the requirements for returning to Germany?

The Federal Police in Germany checks whether the requirements for entry are met. Therefore, only the Federal Police can advise you on whether you can re-enter Germany with your residence permit. You can reach the Federal Police via the contact form, which you can find here.

If you have not booked a direct flight to Germany but are entering through another Schengen state, you must meet the requirements of that Schengen state. Please also inform yourself about the entry requirements of the respective border authorities.

What to do if you are stranded abroad?

If you are abroad and the airline has refused to transport you, you must apply for a visa for re-entry. Please read the information on our website carefully!

Please note that this is not a case for the embassy’s emergency service. Even in urgent cases, re-entry visas can only be processed during regular office hours.

Approval of the Aliens' Authority in Germany required

The Aliens' Authority in Germany must approve your visa application. This often takes several days, weeks, or months. The visa office has no way to expedite the process. Please contact the Aliens' Authority yourself if you need to return urgently (e.g., return to work, medical treatment, scarce medication)!

We kindly ask you to refrain from status inquiries at the visa office. We will contact you immediately once a final decision has been made.


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